The A2J Lab produces quality research on A2J issues and seeks to change hearts and minds about the value of rigorous empirical study, including RCTs, to the legal profession. It also has a symbiotic relationship with students. Lots of students. Currently, over four dozen law students work on A2J Lab projects. Some of these students will be writing blog entries to show how their work furthers Lab projects, and how the Lab provides them with opportunities to experience the real world of law.
Our first student blogger is Seth Motel. Seth works on the Bankruptcy Team for the Financial Distress Research Project. That means he works with several student team members to create self-help materials to allow low-income Connecticut individuals and families to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Self-help materials are one of the primary interventions that the Project will evaluate.
Seth’s post shows that a great deal of empiricism involves good, old-fashioned spadework.